Listen to the Lectures!

Each year, there are two themes with ten (or so) lectures on each theme. You'll find a large archive of FNCA lectures available below for your enjoyment and edification in five formats/places, with the links further down the page:
1. Current lectures from 2018 to present were streamed live on the FNCA Facebook page and are still available there.
2. Some current lectures, again starting with 2018 to present, are on the FNCA YouTube channel.
3. Many recent lectures are available to listen to (just audio, no visual) right here on our site. We are slowly converting our backlog of lectures from old tech to new tech, so many more of the older ones will be available in the future.
4. There are also many lectures of various years from 2004-2016 that are available for listening on iTunes.
5. 2004-2008 lectures are available in mp-3 format for free downloads. They are "unprotected" content and so may be burned to CD or transferred to portable media players.
Any lectures that don't have links, the recording messed up somehow (not the people, mind you, but the technology, okay?), so those ones just plain aren't available. We apologize for the faulty technology.
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Facebook videos
on YouTube:
on this site:
1st Week's theme:
"Where It All Began:
The Book of Genesis"
2nd Week's theme:
"The Connection Between
the Natural and Spiritual Worlds"
1st Week's theme:
2nd Week's theme:
"The Teachings of Jesus"
1st Week's theme:
"The Doctrine of Life"
2nd Week's theme:
"Mothers in the Bible"
on iTunes:
Click here for many lectures between 2004-2016.
mp-3 downloads:
Since each mp-3 file is very large (nearly 50MB, more in a few cases), they will take a long time to download; therefore, we recommend that they not be downloaded over dial-up connections: use high-speed connections such as DSL or cable modem.
To download on a Mac, control click on the link. Then, in the pop-up window, click "Save Link As". In the new window, select where you want to save the file, then click "Save".
"A Book About Us"
"Being New Church in a New World"
"Swedenborg and His Influence"
"The Psalms: Biblical Poetry and Song"
"The Conjugial Principle"
"Relationships in the Bible"
"Families in the Bible"
"The Doctrine of Charity"
"Geographical Correspondences"
"The Journey of Regeneration"