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2008 Lecture Downloads

Week One: August 3-9, 2008
“A Book About Us”

© Anna Rich 2009   In recognition of the Rev. Dr. George F. Dole’s contributions to the Assembly and his life-long expertise in Biblical studies we are approaching the first week’s Biblical theme a bit differently this year.  We will look at the Biblical narrative as a whole and lecturers will choose whatever aspect of the Bible narrative they would like, but focus their discussion through the lens of Rev. Dole’s latest work: A Book About Us.  The general focus will be the Biblical portrayal, through correspondence, of the birth and growth of the relationship between God and human beings over the course of life.  Each lecture will focus on a specific time period or a specific dynamic of that process. 
   Rev. Dole's book can be ordered from the Swedenborg Foundation at:

Monday, August 4  
   1. Rev. Dr. George F. Dole “Text and Subtext: A Path to Spiritual Meaning”
   2. Rev. Dr. Gard Perry “The Perception Of Divinity Part 1”

   Evening Presentation
Rev. Dr. George F. Dole "Revelation? A Lecture on Understanding the Bible in a New Way”

Tuesday, August 5
1. Rev. Andy Stinson “Joshua’s Trail: from Call to Conquest” 
   2. Rev. George McCurdy “Overcoming the Loss of Idealism: Haggai 1:4-5"

Thursday, August 7
Rev. George McCurdy “Daring To Be Daniel”
   2. Rev. Lee Woofenden “The Gospels: God Reaching Out To Us”

Friday, August 8
Rev. Lee Woofenden “The Gospels: Our Repsonse To God’s Presence”
   2. Rev. Susannah Currie “Angels in Revelation”

Saturday, August 9
   1. Rev. Judith Vandegrift "Real Independence"
   2. Panel of the Week's Lecturers "Q&A"


Week Two: August 10-16, 2008
“Being New Church
in a New World"

   Jesus Christ and Swedenborg are both clear and adamant that faith, doctrine, and worship are nothing if they are not lived out in the context of daily life in the world. The theology, interpretation of the Bible, and understanding of the Divine and human that the Lord has given Swedenborg to present in his spiritual writings has come to be known as “New Church” and forms the basis for the world view of Swedenborgians everywhere. In the meantime, the world we live in --- more specifically the society, culture and technology we live with --- are changing at a remarkable pace.  In this week’s lectures, we will examine the various issues, blessings, conflicts, and problems that face those who attempt being New Church in a new world.

Monday, August 11
   1. Rev. Dr. Gard Perry “The Perception of Divinity Part 2”
   2. Rev. Dr. George F. Dole “The (Virtually) Real Stuff”

   Evening Presentation
   Rev. Andy Stinson “Emergence of the New Church in the World”

Tuesday, August 12
   1. Rev. Susannah Currie “Charity Unites - Doctrine Divides: a Multi-Faith World”
   2. Rev. Lee Woofenden “New Wine in Old Bottles: The Origins of The New Church

Thursday, August 14
   1. Rev. Dr. Wilma Wake (read by Rev Ken Turley) “Living the New Church Every Day”
   2. Rev. Dr. George F. Dole “Religious Pluralism”

Friday, August 15
   1. The Flames (teens) "A Different Perspective"
   2. Rev. Gladys Wheaton "New Jerusalem Consciousness"

Saturday, August 16
   1. Rev. Lee Woofenden and Rev. Hunter Roberts "I Have Seen the New Church and It Isn't Us" and "New Wine in New Bottles Part 1"
   2. Rev. Lee Woofenden and Rev. Hunter Roberts "I Have Seen the New Church and It Isn't Us" and "New Wine in New Bottles Part 2"

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