About the FNCA
© Nancy F. Little 2008The Fryeburg New Church Assembly is a multi-generational Swedenborgian summer camp located on 20+ acres of pine forest on the NH/ME state line between Rte. 302 and the Saco River in Fryeburg Maine. We are formally incorporated for the purposes of "study and instruction in the doctrines of the Christian Religion as revealed in the Lord’s Word and explained in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg." The FNCA summer family camp runs for two weeks each August. We encourage anyone who shares our purposes to join us this summer.
© Beki Greenwood 2010The daily schedule begins with Polar Bear Swim before breakfast. All our religious programming is packed between breakfast and lunch, beginning with chapel for the whole camp, followed by two adult lectures, followed by religion classes for children and teens, and Adult Discussion Group. Childcare for younger children is provided during lectures so parents may enjoy the lectures worry-free.
© Beki Greenwood 2006There is life-guarded swimming each afternoon. Campers enjoy a wide variety of special evening programs, often presented by the campers themselves. There is also plenty of free time each day for relaxing, solitude, enjoying the company of friends, or whatever you would like to do.
Wednesday is Outing Day. Our cooks provide the fixings for everyone to pack up a bag lunch after breakfast, and then we leave en masse for a © FNCA 2010day of excursions: canoe trips on the Saco River, visits to one of Maine's wonderful ocean beaches, hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, sight-seeing, shopping, or any number of other outings.
© FNCA 2010On Sundays, there are no lectures or classes, and the entire camp joins the congregation of the Fryeburg New Church in town for their morning worship service. The rest of the morning and afternoon are open for a wide variety of relaxing activities.
© Trevor 2018Lodging includes private rooms on the 2nd floor of the Main Building and Dole Wing; accessible 1st floor rooms in the Perry Wing; over a dozen outlying cabins for families; tent and trailer sites with electric and water hook-ups; and teen dormitories, each with a resident adult dorm parent.
An Interactive Map of the FNCA

We share three delicious and nutritious meals in the Dining Hall each day. Our cooks work hard to accommodate any special dietary needs you may have.
© Trevor 2013We have full laundry facilities, i.e., washer and dryer, as well as free WiFi available throughout the entire camp.
© Nancy F. Little The site itself is both beautiful and inspiring. Majestic views of the White Mountains (including the tip of Mount
Washington!) are visible from the front porch and the Main Building. The terraced front lawn © Ross Woofenden 2015and all the family cabins overlook the clear, cool waters of the Saco River. Large portions of the grounds are undeveloped woods of towering pine trees filling the air with their clean scent. The Faxon Nature Trail follows the edge of the river from our swimming area downstream to our property line.
Newcomers and regulars agree that the FNCA is "our own little slice of heaven!" We hope you will join us this summer.
© Beki Greenwoof 2010