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Work Weekend 2024 Was a Big Success!
More than two dozen volunteer gathered at the Assembly over Memorial Day weekend for Work Weekend 2024, sponsored by the Buildings & Grounds Committee.

Many, many projects were completed, from small little details to big construction projects. The biggest exclamation point was perhaps replacing the old shingle roof on the Goddard Cabin with a new metal roof. The excitement is that this is the last building to be re-roofed in a series that began in earnest back in 2011: every single building at the FNCA now has a new metal roof. Actually, the first two roofs were done in 1994 and 2005, but for the past 12+ years, we've been replacing one or two roofs a year... and now this long-term project is finally done!
New sill and ramp on Murdoch © Beki Greenwood 2024Two other construction project were replacing the entryway door sills on both the Murdoch Cabin as well as the back emergency exit door in Whitehead Hall. They had rotten out so badly over the past decades that, in Whitehead Hall you could see a thick band of light under the door, and in the Murdoch Cabin the door no longer closed properly.
The Claxton Cabin was jacked up, new support post was installed, and some outdoor plumbing there was repaired/upgraded.
On the horticultural front, a new flower garden was created at the top of the front lawn, right next to where all the flower in the top of the ravine near the Claxton Cabin are.
A mighty lot of fallen branches were cleaned up, and a mighty lot of fallen pine cones we cleared from the driveway loop, lawn, and pathways. Plumbing problems were dealt with. A big pile of © Carol Lebaron 2024old mattresses went to the dump. New round wooden stair railings were added to the porches of the Main Building and Perry Wing. Room 1 got painted a cheerful sunny color. The ceiling in the Dole Wing was repaired after a serious leak from above. The storage room at the top of the Dole Wing stairs (which was stuffed to the gills with things, some of which dated back well over 50 years) was completely emptied out and only 4 things went back in! Beds were moved. Our sign was put up in the back field again. A deep clean was done in both the Bray Cabin and the Woofenden Cabin, and a new walkway/crawlway was added to the full length of the Woof Cabin attic. Fire extinguishers were put out. Doorknobs and showerheads repaired/replaced. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and oh so much more.
Oh, and an engagement happened! :

So a gigantic THANK YOU! to all who pitched in! Your help is SO highly valued in the upkeep of this sacred place we hold so dear.
[FNCA NEWS! 2023]
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