Listen to the 2017 Lectures!
"Where It All Began:
The Book of Genesis"

1. Rev. Alison Moore
"The Two Creation Stories"
2. Rev. Sage Cole,
"Noah's Ark — The Emergence of Conscience"
1. Rev. Hugh Ohdner
"And God Said, "Let There Be Light."
2. Dr. Devin Zuber
the 2017 Everett K. Bray Visiting Lecturer
"Caring for Creation: Swedenborgian Ecology"
1. Rev. Sage Cole
"Mothers and Sons in the Book of Genesis"
2. Rev. Dr. Gardiner Perry
"What Did Jesus See When He Read
the Book of Genesis?"
1. Dr. Devin Zuber
the 2017 Everett K. Bray Visiting Lecturer
“A Bird's Life: Sarah Orne Jewett, George Inness, and the Art of (Swedenborgian) Ornithological Conservation — The Fifth Day of Creation”
2. Rev. Alison Moore
“The Psychology Within Leviticus"
NOTE: Today's lecture schedule is different due to the
Rev. Dr. George F. Dole Celebration 3-Mile Road Race:
There is only one lecture.
1. Rev. Hugh Odhner
"From Ur of the Chaldeans to Haran"
Week Two
Doctrinal Theme:
"The Connection Between the Natural and Spiritual Worlds"

1. Rev. Susannah Currie
“We Are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience”
2. Rev George McCurdy
“Nothing Natural Exists Which Does Not Have Its Cause in the Spiritual”
1. Rev. George McCurdy
“The Two Kingdoms and the Three Heavens”
2. Rev. Andy Stinson
“The Divine Human and the Problem of Duality”
1. Colin Amato,
Center for Swedenborgian Studies seminary student
"Spirit and Soma: The Correspondence of Sexuality, Spirituality, and the Body"
2. Rev. Dr. Gard Perry
“Soul Body Interaction: Part One”
1. Rev. Dr. Gard Perry
“Soul Body Interaction: Part Two”
2. Rev. George McCurdy
"Fantasy and Reality"
1. Rev. Alison Lane-Olsen
"Sacred Geology: Stones and Gems"
2. Rev. Susannah Currie
"How Angels Interact with Human Beings"