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Carver & Waltham MA — January 4 & 5, 2013
Mid-Winter Meetings of the
Summer Session Commitee and
the Board of Directors.
© Beki Greenwood 2012The Summer Session Committee gathered at the home of Jason & Beki Greenwood in Carver MA on the evening before the Board of Directors mid-winter meeting.
After a delicious pasta supper prepared by Nancy Little and Beki Greenwood, we got comfy in the den and dove into the agenda:
1. Positives and negatives of the 2012 camp session
2. A proposal for the Opening Weekend Program
3. Selecting lecture themes
4. Afternoon Book Club book selection
5. Relocation of the camp laundry facilities
6. Staffing concerns
Everyone agreed that the 2012 session went very well with very few snags; we accepted Roslyn Taylor's Logopraxis Workshop proposal for the Opening Weekend Program; picked a couple of intriguing (we hope) lecture themes; heard Rev. Susannah Currie's report that the Afternoon Book Club book selection hinges on being able to get a possible case of her #1 choice in storage from the former Swedenborg Book Room in Boston (she has an alternate in mind if that doesn't pan out); agreed to request that the Buildings & Grounds Committee look into moving the laundry facilities out of the Mack Cabin so it can be more fully used for housing single young men; and discussed several staffing possibilites.
A special thanks to the Greenwoods for hosting the Summer Session Committee overnight in their home.
© Nancy F. Little 2013The following morning we all drove to FNCA treasurer Bob Perry's restaurant, The Elephant Walk, in Waltham MA for the FNCA Board of Directors mid-winter meeting. This reporter was thrilled that the entire baker's dozen of Board members could make this important meeting.
The meeting began with an invocation led by Rev. Susannah Currie, asking the Lord to guide us and help us keep in mind the spiritual purpose of our gathering. We heard reports from the treasurer, camp director, registrar, Outreach Committee, religious program coordinator, bulletin editor, Building & Grounds Committee, and the non-session use coordinator. After much discussion, we (finally) set the rates for this year's session.
At last summer's annual meeting, the membership voted to increase our loan from Convention by over 60% to pay for the new metal roof on the Main Building. The Board had a lively discussion around Tina Wood's suggestion last year that a good way to pay down our loan would be to get 12 people to agree to each donate one of our monthly $446 payments. Board president Colgate Searle suggested that it would be even better if we could encourage some of them to make a 3-year commitment so we wouldn't have to find 12 people again every year. This led into an extensive discussion about fundraising in general, something that we've talked about a lot but haven't really put much energy into. The Board as a whole made a commitment to put a concerted effort into this important function, and the FNCA Fundraising Committee was energized to be more active as well.
A very big THANK YOU goes to FNCA treasurer Bob Perry both for hosting the Board meeting as well as bringing in one of his cooks to prepare us a most delicious and nutritious lunch. YUM!

February 25, 2013
A Blast From The Past!

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