2024 Lecture Themes
Daily Schedule
8:30 Sing Along
8:45 Morning Chapel
9:00 1st Lecture
10:00 2nd Lecture
11:00 Adult Discussion Group and
Flames and Sparks classes
Lectures are held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday each week. All lectures are live streamed on the FNCA Facebook page. There is no morning program on Wednesdays, which is Outing Day. Sunday mornings we join the congregation of the Fryeburg New Church in town for morning services instead of the usual program.
Due to the Rev. Dr. George F. Dole Celebration 3-Mile Road Race on the final Saturday, the schedule will be different that day. TBA
A full listing of each week's lectures is found on the Lecture Schedule page.
1st Week
Biblical Theme:
"The Blessings and Challenges of Community,
in the Bible and Now"

The Israelite community received both blessings and challenges from the Lord — from their creation through Jacob, living as slaves in Egypt, the struggles in the wilderness, the battles in the Promised Land, and through the development of kingship. This week, we will look at these blessings and challenges as lessons for us now, to reflect on our own journey, our church's, and our worlds', as we take steps towards the spiritual growth of each.
2nd Week
"Swedenborg's Analysis of the Human Psyche"

Swedenborg's analysis of the human psyche includes his well-documented schema of four kinds of love, three levels of mind, and three modes of operation within each level. This week, lecturers will be presenting how these elements of the psyche are involved in how we live our life, sharing their personal examples.
The four loves are: 1. love of self, 2. love of the world, 3. love of the neighbor, and 4. love of the Lord. When these are in what Swedenborg deems to be their original design, i.e., their proper order, all elements of the psyche operate in an intregrated manner to benefit self and others.
The three levels of the mind are: 1. outer (earthly), 2. an intermediate level level (spiritual), and 3. inner (celestial).
The three modes of operation that we live within each of the above loves and levels are a combination of: 1. our will, 2. our intellect, and 3. our sensory system, that is, our body.