Looking back on
FNCA 2009
by Trevor
© Anna Rich 2009One of the biggest highlights for many FNCA 2009 campers was the return of my parents, the Rev. Dr. Wm. R. "Pop Woof" and Louise Dole "Mom Woof" Woofenden. Both in their 80's, they've been unable to attend camp for several years because of failing health; but spearheaded by kid #5, Ian, and with round-the-clock care from attending offspring, Mom & Pop were back at camp, in their own cabin, for three delightful (for them and us) days.
The Flames gave a morning lecture presentation again. It was very intense. One by one, 9 or 10 Flames spoke about something joyful, funny, or just plain heart-wrenching that changed their lives. There were big smiles, big laughs, and big tears from teens and adults alike.
© Nancy F. Little 2009The Saco River continued its recent pattern of not receding enough before camp began to uncover our beach for the third year in a row. Campers carpooled to nearby lakes daily. It wasn't until Thursday of second week that we were able to swim and canoe safely and bask on a small strip of sand to our hearts' content.
One of our most popular events is the annual Sales Table Auction. Special thanks this year to: Alex Dyer, auctioneer; MaryBeth Bernier acting as Carol Merrill; and Caleb Woofenden, runner. Thanks to the following people for their important contributions to the Auction: Lois Dole © Nancy F. Little 2009(refinished, re-caned old camp chair); Betty Guiu (Anne Cary Bradley painting); Bob Perry (gift certificates to his Boston area Elephant Walk restaurants); and artist Anna Rich (her beautiful book and three original paintings... one of which sits beside me as I type!). We set a new Auction record this year, raising an amazing $953.75 for camp at this delightful, laugh-filled event!

© Jon Cousins 2009Other campers' highlights include: the young adults joyfully playing all sorts of different games in the Dole Wing; Heidi Woofenden's slide show of her trip to Jordan; the Rev. Susannah Currie's presentation on angels; the front lawn baptism of a fifth generation camper(!), Seamus Woofenden; the Flames' water balloon fight
© Emily Woofenden 2009on the back lawn (see the video on Facebook!); Colgate Searle's miniature village, "Colgateville"; the Gathering Leaves dvd showing; the 18-22-year-olds' enthusiastic acceptance of the Board's proposal to reclassify them as "Senior Flames"; the inter-generational camaraderie; fresh flowers on the dining tables; Sparks Games; Flames Games; nearly the entire camp going to the ocean at Scarborough Beach
© Beki Greenwood 2009State Park for Outing Day first week; after-hours adult gatherings in Frank Hall; and Polar Bear Swim (see "The FNCA Polar Bear Song" on YouTube!).
And we hope that you and your family and friends will join us at the FNCA — "our little slice of heaven" — next year in 2010!