Looking back on
FNCA 2008
by Trevor
When I was asking campers for their favorite current experiences at the good ol' FNCA, I got all the expected responses: the people, the location, the river(!!!), the © Nancy F. Little 2008woods, the spirituality of the place, the excellent lectures, the great job the cooks did, catching up with old friends, meeting new friends, the "blasts from the past" who regularly show up out of the blue some ten/twenty/thirty years later, the multi-generational-ness of the camp, seeing Sparks happily running around, hearing the Flames spontaneously bursting into song, socializing with adults in Frank Hall, catching grandma and granddaughter walking around camp hand-in-hand, trips into the White Mountains, sitting on the edge of the front lawn watching the river go by, various special events, Outing Day, blazing fires in the

As wonderful as all those things are, I'd like to focus on just one incident this year. I may be stretching it a bit, but I suspect this probably typifies the 2008 FNCA camp experience for perhaps pretty much everyone who attended. This was reported to me by long-time FNCA © Nancy Newman 2009attendee Dave Keating. In his own words:
"You asked people for high points of their camp experience. I was on the front porch talking to Ian and his daughter Nora, and my memory is that I convinced them to sing some folk tunes. So Ian got out his guitar, and they sang duets for at least 30 minutes, maybe more. They were leaning/sitting on the railing, and I was seated an arm length away looking out towards the river and mountains. The whole experience was heavenly! The sound, the location, the people, the words, etc. And fortunately, I was aware it was heavenly and drank it in deeply while thanking God!"
2008 All-Camp Group Photo