Looking back on
FNCA 2005
by Trevor
Nearly everyone polled included "People" at or near the top of their list of Things I Liked About FNCA 2005. And what makes the Fryeburg New © Nancy F. Little 2005Church Assembly family camp what it is each year is, as always, the people. Granted, we have a wonderful location with delightful facilities and all — that helps. It's still the people who make camp what it is. Some folks said it was seeing so many new faces at camp. Others said it was seeing all the old (meaning returnees, not elders!) faces. For me, it's both.
© Bob Perry 2005Anyways: the People. YAY! From the oldest to the youngest, the old-timer to the newbie, the people at camp were terrific! There are often three and four generations of families, some of which have been attending for generations, as well as a lot of unrelated teens, adults, and elders. There sure were a lot of us there this summer!
We were blessed this year with not 1, not 2, but three(3!) students from our theological school on our lecture staff. They each gave three lectures, and were a major plus for the camp outside the lecture hall, too.
We were delighted with the biennial return of our dear friends from the Church of the Little Grain (our Korean Swedenborgian congregation in New York City). It's great to see the children growing up and the adults growing wiser with each visit. Their church is a wonderful example of love in action. Everyone, including the youngest children, participate in fundraising activities to earn a good part of their tuition, and then their church funds the balance. (P.S. to Rev. & Mrs. Youngmin Kim: if you can arrange transportation for the teens, not only could they be at camp in 2006 without you through our Flames Sponsor Program, but there are scholarship funds available to help subsidize their tuition, too. We want your families here every year! Contact camp director, Debbie Cook.) (P.P.S. We may be able to help line up carpooling from NYC, too!)
© Nancy F. Little 2009And then there was the time they said Buildings & Grounds Committee member Ed Schnurr "got lost" going up Mount Washington. Fellow B&G member Colgate Searle got to the top and turned around only to discover that Ed wasn't behind them any more! They looked all over for him but he wasn't anywhere to be found. Eventually, Ed showed up. He'd merely been resting a ways back down the trail.
Besides the People, there were several Things and Events at the top of the lists, too. Quite a number of folks thoroughly enjoyed our new fire pit between the Taft Cabin and the front porch. It was wonderful to have an outdoor fire right there near the Main Building, to pull up a chair and chat with folks around the fire. Much laughter was heard emanating from that area on chilly evenings.
We've also gotten a lot of positive feedback on our new website. Words like "impressive", "beautiful", and "truly informative".
So, plan on coming to camp next August and you, too, will end up with a treasure trove of wonderful memories of great people and good times in a terrific location with an inspiring purpose.
2005 All-Camp Group Photo