These are the people who keep the place running: the Board of Directors, various committees, Camp Director, and staff. They are all volunteers who put in many, many hours of work before, during, and after camp. And although the Camp Director and staff get room & board at camp, none of these people get paid for any of the work that they do.
Photos of all our past FNCA Presidents and Camp Directors are in the FNCA History menu here:
NEW photos on this page in recent months:
Title or Theme Year Posted
CALM Team 2022 3/14
2020 2021 2022
2010 2012 2013 2015 2016 2018
1921 1924 1925
"Board of Directors at the Mid-Winter Meeting"

"The CALM Team After a Meeting at Camp"

left to right: Jesse White (Youth Director), Rev. Susannah Currie (Religious Program Coordinator), Beki Greenwood (Camp Director), Emily Tergliafera (Assistant Camp Director), Miriam Lexie (Registrar), Trevor (Activities Director)
"2021 Annual Meeting"

Dave Richardson, the chair of the Buildings & Grounds Committee, gives his report to the 2021 FNCA Annual Meeting while outgoing President of the Board of Directors, Colgate Searle, looks on.
"Mid-Winter Board Meeting"

"The Virtual Summer Session Committee"

These are the people who planned, pulled together, and presented vFNCA 2020. A great big THANK YOU to (l. to r., t. to b.) Bob Perry, Beki Greenwood, Trevor, Nancy Little, Jesse White, and Emily Woofenden!
"The 2020 Board Zooming"

The 2020 Board of Directors consists of (l. to r., t. to b.):
Bob Perry (treasurer), Jesse White (secretary), Rev. Susannah Currie (assistant treasurer), Colgate Searle Jr. (president), Trevor, Jon Crowe, Dave Richardson, Beki Greenwood, Rev. Rachel Madjerac, Emily Woofenden, Jason Greenwood, and Ben Grams (the phone) (vice president, and Dan Dyer (not pictured) (clerk).
"The Board"

standing (l. to r.): Bob Perry, Dave Richardson, Jason Greenwood, Colgate Searle Jr., Dan Dyer, Jon Crowe, Emily Woofenden, Debbie Cook, Jesse White
seated (l. to r.): Rev. Susannah Currie, Beki Greenwood, Ben Grams, Trevor
"Board of Directors at their Mid-Winter Meeting"

Check out those beards! Also, see the two computer screens at the far end of the table?... that's the Maine contingent of the Board skyping in on the left, and the Pennsylvania contingent skyping in on the right, so the full Board participated in this meeting.
"Our Treasurer"

"The Board of Directors,
Mid-Winter Meeting"

standing (l. to r.): Rev. Susannah Currie, Colgate Searle Jr, Trevor, Beki Greenwood, Jason Greenwood, Ben Grams, Dave Richardson, Dan Dyer, Ed Schnurr, Bob Perry
seated: Debbie Cook, John Perry Jesse White
"Summer Session Committee,
Mid-Winter Meeting"

Rev. Susannah Currie (Religious Program Coordinator), Jason Greenwood (Camp Director), Nina Sasser (Flames Representative), Trevor (Activities Director), Nancy Little (Registrar)
"Summer Session Committee Meeting"

"Editing the Bulletin"

The Registrar (Nancy Little, left) and the Camp Director (Jason Greenwood, right) work together editing the Bulletin at the mid-winter Summer Session Committee meeting in the Greenwood's home in Carver MA.
"F. Gardiner Perry by the Old Flagpole"

F. Gardiner Perry was the third person to serve as President of the FNCA, serving from 1947-1964. Here, he is standing next to the old wooden flagpole at the top center of the hill on the upper lawn.
"Rev. Charles H. Kuenzli"

Rev. Charles H. Kuenzli served as our second president in 1941, the year before the Assembly closed for 4 years during World War 2. He passed on during the war, so he only served that one year. This photo may or may not have been taken in 1940 (hence the ? in the date above), which was his last year serving as pastor of Bridgewater MA New Jerusalem Church where this photograph hangs.
"Rev. John Whitehead"

The Rev. John Whitehead (1850-1930) was one of the three co-founders of the FNCA. He worked very closely with the president in running the Assembly and was one of our core lecturers for most of the first decade.
"Walter A. Robinson"

This photo of Walter A. Robinson (1854-1925), one of the three co-founders of the FNCA, is from a 1924 issue of Boston Latin School's Register. Since he died the following year at the age of 70 or 71, this photograph was likely taken 35 years earlier when he became principal of the Boston Latin School. Mr. Robinson began his career as a teacher and also served one year as principal of Fryeburg Academy.
"Rev. Louis A. Dole"

The Rev. Louis A. Dole (1884-1964) was one of the three co-founders of the FNCA, serving as it's first president from 1921-1940 and then for one more "fill-in" year in 1946. He was a core lecturer from 1921 until the late 1950's or, more likely, the early 1960's.
Rev. Dole was assistant pastor in Urbana from 1916–1920. During those years he also taught at Urbana Junior College (now Urbana University), and was its principal his last two years there. He then served as pastor in Fryeburg from 1920–1937 and then in Bath from 1937–1964.
The Rev. Louis A. Dole Sermon Archive