Family & Friends

NEW photos on this page in recent months:
Title or Theme Year Posted
"Hugs" 2021 8/19
"The Front Porch is a Great Place..." 2024 8/8
"Love Sweet Love" 2024 8/8
"Flames Crafting in the Dining Hall" 2024 7/29
"All the Generations" 2023 2/13
v2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2000 2001 2003 2004 2007 2008 2009
1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999
1983 1985 1987 1989
1971 1972 1973 1977 1979
1961 1962 1963 1967
1950 1952 1953 1955 1956 1957
late 1940s 1948 1949
1922 1929
"Flames Crafting in the Dining Hall"

Ada, Addison, Myra, Rose
"Love Sweet Love"

Beki & Jason Greenwood
[companion photo here]
"The Front Porch is a Great Place to Gather with New and Old Friends"

"Flames Class After Leading Chapel"

The Flames class did a fine job leading Chapel one morning, including a delightful play acting out the Bible reading. l. to r.: class teacher Nancy Little, Myra, Evan, Ava (in front, who just happened to be there and was invited into the picture), Caroline, Avia, Ada, Elin, Rose.
"All the Generations"

At least four generations of campers near the fireplace.
"Deane & Susannah"

"Young Friends"

"Theo Ben Nate"

"Rebecca on the Throne Chair"

"Brothers on the New Ruby Bench"

Ross and Trevor on the new Ruby Bench talking and looking out over the Saco.

Jason & Beki Greenwood
[companion photo here]
"vFNCA 2020 Screenshots"

"3 Woofs"

Trevor, Ross, Bill
"The Boston Church Contingent"

The Rev. Kevin Baxten (back row center) drove this delightful crowd up from the Church on the Hill in Boston for a day visit.
"Theo and Nate"

"The Phinney Sibs"

"Arms Table"

And neither of them knew the other was doing it until they saw the picture.
"3 Brothers 2018"

The 2016 version of this picture is here.
"Serena, Ivy, Chloe"

Sarah, Maggie, Amelia

"The FNCA Contigent at Convention"

l to r: Rev. Dr. Gard Perry, Rev. Jane Siebert, Emily Woofenden, Nancy Little, Kristina Madjerac, Herb Ziegler, Rev. Rachel Madjerac, Rev. Cory Bradford-Watts, Denise Odhner, Beki Greenwood, Hugh Odhner.
"And Here's Our FNCA Display at Convention"

Beki Greenwood and Emily Woofenden staffed our FNCA Display at Convention this year.
"Amelia & Grampa Trevor"

"Gray Hair on the Porch"

l. to r.: Willis Wood, Gloria Costello, Carolyn Judson, Martha Richardson, Torgny Vigerstad, Colgate Searle
"Erin & Elise & who's that little extra arm?"



"3 Brothers"

Ian, Trevor, & Ross Woofenden
The 2018 version of this picture is here.
"3 Brothers Photo Shoot"

"Piggyback Ride!"

"Sparks Week Two 2016"

"Erin Making an Important Announcement"

"Sandbox Friends"

"At the Edge of the Lawn"

"Selfie with Friends"

Elise Richardson, Jack Cadden, Rebekka Lange, Erin Richardson.
"Flames + Flash Paper + Rev. Alison =
Awesome Teen Class Today!"

"Everybody's Happy!"

Dawn Crowe, Beki Greenwood, Jason Greenwood, Anna Eller Langdon.
"Rev. George McCurdy's 81st Birthday!"

"Flames at the Fire Pit"

"3 Peas in a Pod"

"Camp Selfies"

"New Best Friends Within 1 Hour of Meeting"



"Mother/Daughter Selfie"

"A Buncha Guys"

l to r: Rev. George McCurdy, Art Church, Rev. Lee Woofenden, Rev. F. Bob Tafel

top row: Nate, Serena, Caileigh, Astrid, Myra.
bottom row: Jillian, Owen, Zed, Ada.
"Woofenden Clan"

Woofs in front of the Woof Cabin. Standing: Lee Woofenden, Heidi Woofenden, Caleb Woofenden, Ross Grams, Nancy Little, Jillian Grams, Trevor, Jon Cousins, Emily Woofenden. Sitting: Ben Grams, Troy Grams.
"The Church Family"

Art, Xiu, and Avery Church on the front lawn.
"The Guiu Clan"

Adults: Colgate Searle, Nate McNaughton, Willis Wood, Marina McNaughton, Tina Wood, Gloria Costello, Shannon Costello. Kids: Zed, Ada, and Myra McNaughton.
"Those Crazy Phinneys"

back: Jon & Dawn Crowe, Martin Vojtko & Merrilee Phinney, Sean Phinney, Jason and Serena Greenwood
front: Brendan, Phoebe, and Owen Crowe, Nate and Beki Greenwood, Caroline and Ben Phinney, Caleigh Crowe
"Sassers after the Inaguaral Dole 3 Miler"

Nina Sasser, Nate Buck (brother), Roger Buck (dad)

young George, Andrew, Rev. Dr. George & Lois, Sarah, Genevieve, Alicia
"JC & Gloryann Webb and Xiu Church"

"Mother/Daughter Time"

Shannon and Gloria Costello warming their feet by the fire in the Dole Wing and enjoying some mother/daughter time.
"Group Selfie on the Deck"

(original title)
"Alex Patiently Trying to Explain Something
and Emily Not Caring at All"

"Guys & Gals"


"Baby Hattie"

"Ben and Anna"

"Perry Outing Day Hike Resting Spot on the Appalachian Trail:
Amy (Perry) Blackman, Pat Perry, Jim Perry"

"This Game is Called Fox & Geese"

"Ken and Maggie at the Waterfront"

"Emily & Jon take the Flames Canoing Down the Saco River on Outing Day"
© FNCA 2013
© FNCA 2013


"Playtime on the Lawn"

"Nate and Gramma"

"Another Generation of Woofendens"

"New Friends"

"Big Sparks Smiles!"

"Betty & Jim are Just SO in Love!"

"Tina & Willis Wood on Jockey Cap"

"Our Sound Technicians"

"Jim & Betty"

"Hugh & Denise"

"Brendan and Serena"

"A Special Connection"

"Paulina and Herb,
friends from the Cambridge Church"

"Breakfast with Officer Alex"

At the Sales Table Auction, Officer Alex auctioned off Breakfast with Officer Alex. His mom had the winning bid. "If that's what I have to do to spend time with my kids...," she said resignedly. (Note that she's wearing the Carmen Miranda Fruit Compote earrings which she also had the winning bid on.)
"Raising Colgate's Workshop Roof"

"Rev. Eric Allison:
A Very Welcome Addition to Camp"

"A Baker's Dozen of Guius"
(plus a hidden one...can you find her?)

"Almost 1/3 of the Woof Clan All in One Place"

"Talking in the Dole Wing"

"Very Intent"


"On the Front Porch"

"3 Brothers & a Mother"

"4 Generations"

"7 of the Phinney Clan"
(Can you find them all?)

"Flames by Firelight"

"Baby Crowd"

"George & Lois Dole"

"George & Lois McCurdy"

"Greg & Soleil 'Fence Walker' Huang-Dale"

"Catch Phrase"

"Big Brother Little Sister"

"Big Sister Little Brother"

"Little Sun Friends"

"Besties from Bridgewatah"

"3 Great Guiu Guys"

"Camp Friends Since Childhood"

"Sparks Caterpillar about to Roll"

"Rena, Alcida, and Gramma"


Betty Guiu and her great-granddaughter Ada were the oldest and the youngest persons at camp.
See the Oldest / Youngest in 1995.
"Full Dining Hall"

"Admiring Baby Ada"

"4 Living Generations"

That's baby Ada with her older sister Myra and big brother Zed, mother Marina, grandmother Tina, and great-grandmother Betty Guiu.
"Big Smiles All Around"

"Liz and her Laptop"

"Abbie and Dan"

"A Wedding on the Front Lawn!"

"3 Cousins from Maine"

"Avery & Art"

"12-Year-Old Girl Talk"

"Dish Window"

"1 Leibson, 2 Guius, 2 Perrys"

"M & M"

"Brothers & Friend"

"Throw the 5-Year-Old!"

"A Baptism on the Front Lawn!"

"Trivial Dispute"


"Flames Selfies"
© Dan Cook 2009
© Dan Cook 2009
"Otto and Anna Rich at the Auction"

"Pile Up!"


"Lalla & Colgate"


Erin Richardson and her perpetual smiling face.
"I Adore You, Daddy!"

"3 Ems: Myrrh, Em(ily), Mandy"

"Contemplating the Meaning of Life"

"Mother Daughter Smooch!"

"3 Life-Long Camp Friends"

l to r: Virginia Branston, Louise Dole Woofenden, and Nancy Perry talking on the porch, with Sparks Games going on on the lower lawn beyond them (l to r: Josh Cook, Liz Dyer, Alex Dyer, Ken Woofenden, Trevor, Dan Cook).

"The '03 Sparks"

Before Sparks Games that evening.
"Lynn and Wendy"

That's Lynn Zimmerman and Wendy Schnurr.
"Wonder What's Going on in There?"

??? and Caleb Woofenden
"2 Grand Old Ladies"

Louise Dole Woofenden and Nancy Clark Perry
"Girl Time"

"Mom & Pop Woof 50th Anniversary Quilt"

In honor of Bill & Louise Woofenden's 50th Wedding Anniversary, quite a few of their offspring pooled their talent and made this quilt for their bed with a special section of panels made by various offspring which was purposely placed so that it became visible when they folded down the top of the quilt off their pillows each night. So here they are with 30+ family members that made it to camp that summer to celebrate their milestone.
"Flames 1999"

"Caleb Chris Caleb"

(l. to r.) Caleb Woofenden, Chris Woofenden, Caleb Foster
"Caleb Dan Caleb"

(l. to r.) Caleb Foster, Dan Sullivan, Caleb Woofenden
"Marjorie & Louise"

That's Marjorie Tudzik and Louise Dole Woofenden on the couch in the Dole Wing.
"Sparks Group Shot"

"Sisters Reading Back to Back"

"Corn Boil!"

"Woof Cousins on the Couch in the Woof Cabin"

Eight cousins packed onto the couch inside the Woofenden Cabin. Left to right: Ross Grams, Mike Woofenden, Tobin Grams, Troy Grams, Myrrh Woofenden, Josh Grams, Ben Grams, Emily Woofenden.
"Taking It All In"

Trevor sitting at the edge of the woods.

That's the oldest person at camp, Mabel Larsen, holding the youngest.
See the Oldest / Youngest in 2010.
"The Stroh Family"

Mike, Mrs., Mr., Miles
"On the Porch"

on the railing: Andrew Dole, Sarah Dole
standing: Rev. Bill Woofenden
sitting l to r: possibly Lisa Wesel, ? ?, possibly Todd Woofenden, Ellen Woofenden
"On the Deck"

front to back: Holly Pedicone, Trish Brewer, Mrs. Stroh with Mike Stroh in her lap, Miles Stroh
"Josh & Dan Cook"

That's their older brother Ryan coming down the ramp, Ross Grams on the railing, and Alex Dyer in the background.
"Flames Guys Hangin' at Chalmers"

"Cousins at Breakfast"

"Absorbed in Nursery Rhymes"

"The Flames of 1991"

"Cousins at Lost River"

Ross Woofenden, Sarah Dole, and Trevor at Lost River on Outing Day.
"Cousins on the Ramp"

Mike Woofenden, Braden Curtis, Jason Woofenden, and an extra face poking in at the right!
"Ross / Denise / Kids"

"Sparks Group by the Deck"

"Woofs in Age Order"

r to l: Pop, Mom, Ross, Jane, Laura, Trevor, Ian holding a picture of Lee, Ellen, Todd
"4 Relatives with Dylan"

"Channing Clark, Nancy & Fred Perry"

Channing is Nancy's brother.
"Old Friends on the Deck"

Dave Keating and Cliff Archer (standing) were lifelong camp friends at this point, as were Joe & Alice Vigerstad and Martha Keating (seated).
"Donna Keane, Pop Woof, and Nancy Little"

"Alice Vigerstad and Ray Guiu Talking It Out"

"4 Woof Sibs"

Lee, Trevor, Todd, Laura.
"Flames on Top of Jockey Cap"

front row: Sirrel Gill, Damian Gill, Trevor, Nancy Little, Kathy Tafel, ??, Dawn (Phinney) Crowe
back row: Merlin Larsen, Wendy Little, ??, Jason Phillips, ??, Dana Richardson, Shawn Dolley
NOTE: The three "??" might be Bonnie Flynn, Thia Young, and Amy Gardner, not necessarily in that order.
"Pop Woof (with a broken leg)
and His Grandson Tobin"

"Sparks Watching the River"

l to r: Mike Woof, Jason Woof, ??, Amy Perry, ??
"Sarah Doleface"

"Important Reading"

George Foster and Ben Philibert in the Mack Cabin.
"Flames Entertaining Themselves in the Dining Hall"

George Foster, Todd Woofenden, Jesse White, Cammy Moorhead.
"Their Sunday Best"

Ben and Josh Philibert and Dan Dyer sporting their Sunday best in the Mack Cabin.
"Rick, Cammy, Jesse"

Rick Dyer, Cammy Moorhead, Jesse White
"Woof Kids"

r to l: Ross, Jane, Laura, Trevor, Ian, Lee, Ellen, Todd
"Woof Kids with their Partners"

"Chuck Leese, Bobby Leese (maybe???), and Ed Schnurr's Initiation"

"The Perry Family"

"Jesse, Cammy, and Cindy at the Rope Swing"

"Checking Out the Flames Raid"

"Carolyn Trevor Motorcycle"

Carolyn Judson and Trevor with a motorcycle behind them.
"Julie Rankin and Ray Guiu"


"Alan & Dorothy Farnham"

"Don, George, & Linda Foster"

That's Kippy Haskell, Aurelie Nichols, Annie (Nichols) Haskell, and Ernie Haskell.
"Sparks on Outing Day"

front row: Ian Woofenden, ???
middle row: Doug White, Gus Konitzky, Jane Perry, Trevor, Laura Woofenden, Gerrit White, ???, Ross Woofenden
back row: Swish White, Ernie Haskell, Auralie and Richie Nichols
"Sparks 1962"

Standing: Jane Woofenden, Tina Guiu, Joan Archer, ???, Laura Woofenden
Sitting: Lee Woofenden, Ross Woofenden, ???, Trevor, Ian Woofenden, Helen Jo Haskel(?), ???, Kippy Nichols(?)
Background people: all unknown
NOTE: the screenhouse on the lower lawn at the right.
"Snapping Turtle!"

NOTE: 1961 is our best estimate of when this photo was taken; it might be 1962. Not sure who's holding that monster-sized snapping turtle, but the rest of them left to right are: Aurelie Nichols, Garritt White, Lois Walton (now McCurdy), and Gard Perry.
"Coming Up the Hill"

l to r: Ian, Louise, and Lee Woofenden with Jim Perry behind them.
Note the screen house behind them on the lower lawn. This was very popular at camp in the late 1950s through the mid- to late 1960s when it got too threadbare to use. It was usually set up on the lower lawn and anyone who wanted to sit for a while without any mosquitos near them could use it.
"Trevor at Age 1"

When he sent in this photo in 2016, Torgny called it
"My Buds as Little Guys"

l to r: Torgny Vigerstad, Jonathan Tafel, Sheldon Perry, Ross Woofenden, Clark Perry
"Gloria and Torgny"

Gloria Guiu and Torgny Vigerstad

Rev. Bill & Louise Woofenden built the Woofenden Cabin in 1955, and Trevor was born the following March, so here's the two of them with the proud father of both!
"3 Men, 3 Women, 1 Porch"

upper: John Perry, Bill Woofenden, Fred Perry
lower: Mabel Larsen, Martha King, Alice Vigerstad
"Ginny and Joan Flynn"

"Tent Mother"

Alice Perry was the Girls Tent Mother for many years. Here she is standing proudly in front of the Girls Tent, which was along the top of the ridge roughly where the Bray Cabin and Woof Cabin are now. Both female Flames and older Sparks girls slept here.
"Alice, Swish, Mac, and Randall"

That's Alice Vigerstad on the left and Swish, Mac, and Randall White.
"Family Dining FNCA-Style"

on the left, l to r: Louise Woofenden, Ross Woofenden, Bill Woofenden, Ted Foster
on end: [unknown]
on right, r to l: Torgny Vigerstad, Alice Vigerstad, Clark Perry(??), Dexter Nichols, Aurelie Nichols, Annie Nichols, Richard Nichols, Fred Perry, George Dole
at other table: [both unknown]
"Sparks Class"

Alice Perry teaching the Sparks class outdoors.
"Flames Class on the Front Lawn"

Note: The bottom one is Anita Dole teaching the Flames class sometime in the early 1950s.
"George & Louise Dole"

"Doug Daniels' Convertible"

"1948 Flames"

Four Female Flames"

That's Betty "Red" Atwood and Marjorie "Bunny" Minett.
late 1940s
"Louise Dole sometime
between roughly age 18-22"

"The Fryeburg Flames"

"The Toonerville Trolley"

Rev. John Whitehead, Florence Whitehead at the wheel of her Buick, and an unknown child. An explanation about why the car was called "The Toonerville" is here.