This is the official website of the
New Church

A Swedenborgian Family Camp in Fryeburg Maine

All our lectures and other programs during our
camp session are live streamed online for free.

click here to register for camp


© Jesse White 2024

Click the links on the top left of every page to explore this site and learn more about the FNCA.


3 Important 2025 Dates:

1. 2025 Camp Session
July 26 - August 10, 2025


2. 2025 FNCA Annual Meeting
Saturday, August 2, 2025

1:30 p.m.
in person in Whitehead Hall and online

3. The Dole 3 Miler
Saturday, August 9, 2025
8:00 a.m.

in person on the Mountain Division Rail Trail
across the street from the FNCA
virtually at a place of your choosing
Dole 3 Miler registration


3 Important Links:

1. Lalla's Memorial Garden Fund

2. Please CONTRIBUTE to the FNCA!

3. An Interactive Map of the FNCA

1 unimportant link:
What's New On This Site?
a log of the nitty gritty details of the webmaster's work


Be on our Mailing List:

* indicates required




The Virtual Sales Table Action is ON!

Although we weren't sure if it was going to happen this session, Jason Greenwood volunteered to run it again this year, and when he asked at dinner last night how many campers were interested, a lot of hands went up. So the Virtual Sales Table Auction is ON!

Virtual Sales Table Auction

There are only a few item up at the site above so far (this just happend at dinner tonight), but what up already are real Wowzers: a pair of tickets to a New England Patriots football game versus at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro MA, and a weekend get-away at a cabin on Moose Pond in Denmark Maine! Be sure to check the site regularly because more items will be appearing over the next few days, including....

[click the link below for the full article.]



© Jon Cousins 2014At the 1/5/13 mid-winter Board of Directors meeting, FNCA treasurer Bob Perry reported that in order to be on a more firm financial footing, we should really aim at increasing donations to $15,000 a year. Donations have been averaging about $10,000 a year, so this new goal represents a 50% increase in giving from individuals and organizations. Unfortunately, there was relatively little increase in donations last year. So, reaching our goal this year will depend on increased giving from regular benefactors as well as bringing in new donors at every giving level.

At our 2013 Annual Meeting during the camp session that year, the membership voted to substantially increase our  loan from Convention to pay for the new metal roof on the Main Building. This huge project was completed that December, but our loan has now more than doubled.

Lifelong member Tina (Guiu) Wood suggested that a simple way to pay that down would be if 12 people a year agreed to each donate one of the $446 monthly loan payments. That may seem like a lot, but to put it in a bit of perspective: it's $8.58 a week or $37.16 a month. Call it 40 bucks a month, and you're on! Can you afford to donate $10 a week?

Since the treasurer and the Board are especially looking to increase monthly donations — they are the gift that keeps giving, and are just so easy to "set and forget!" — the following chart gives rough approximations of what each level of monthly giving would cover in our annual budget:

Monthly           Covers
    $5 = Corporate filing fees for 2 years
  $10 = A 1-week scholarship for a Spark
  $15 = A 1-week scholarship for a Flame
  $20 = Bank service charges for a year
  $25 = Trash and dump fees for the whole session
  $30 = One breakfast and lunch for the whole camp
  $40 = A monthly payment on our Convention loan
  $50 = All the food for Work Weekend
  $60 = Worker's Comp insurance for an entire year
  $75 = A new metal roof for a cabin
$100 = Gas bills for an entire year
$200 = Electric and phone/internet bills for an entire year

Please CLICK HERE to arrange monthly contributions or to make a one-time donation to support the FNCA.

Bob and the entire Board of Directors wish to say a big
for your kind support.


84 Main St, Fryeburg, ME 04037 (map)