[Basic Info]

FNCA Membership,
Paying Dues,
and the
 FNCA 2025
Annual Meeting of the Members

Membership  Paying Dues  Annual Meeting of the Members


FNCA Membership

Fryeburg New Church Assembly is a member-owned and member-run organization.

© Nancy F. Little 2010According to our by-laws: "Any person interested in becoming a Member... must submit a written and signed application on a form approved by the Board of Directors. An applicant shall become a Member... upon an affirmative vote of the Board of Directors. To qualify for Membership, an applicant must be of legal age, must subscribe to the purposes as set forth in Article II of the FNCA by-laws, and, to maintain membership in good standing must pay such dues as the Board of directors may from time to time determine."

Article II states that our purposes are the "study and instruction in the Christian Religion as revealed in the Lord's Word and explained in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg." We welcome members who share our purposes.

Membership applications are available from the Board secretary <jwhite@fryeburg.org> or at camp during the summer session. The Board traditionally holds a meeting the day of or the day before the Annual Meeting at which time they approve new members in time for new members to have a vote at the Annual Meeting. New members can also be approved by the Board at their post-Annual Meeting meeting at camp as well as at their mid-winter meeting, which is usually held in January or February.


Paying Dues

According to the FNCA bylaws, to vote at the Annual Membership Meeting, members must be up to date on their dues.

There are two levels of dues:
1. Annual dues = $15 per year
2. Lifetime membership dues = $300 one-time payment
    (or two $150 payments in successive years by
      arrangement with the treasurer)

If members choose to pay their dues annually, there are two options:
A. Just pay it every year.
B. Arrange for automatic payments via our PayPal account.

Pay your dues online here.


FNCA 2025
Annual Meeting of the Members

The 2025 FNCA Annual Meeting
will be held

on Saturday, August 2, 2025
starting at 1:30 pm.


Agenda will include:

  • election of three Board of Directors members, Camp Director, and one Nominating Committee member
  • brief reports from various officers and committees
  • report from the Bylaws Review Committee
  • as well as other FNCA business

If you would like to serve on the Board or on any committee, please contact the chair of the Nominating Committee for elected positions, or the president of the Board for appointed ones.

All members and friends of the FNCA are welcome to participate. Members in good standing, that is, members who have paid their annual dues, are eligible to vote. Dues can be paid online here. Please write "Membership Dues" on the line labeled Billing Address 2 if you pay your dues online.

The link to participate in the Annual Meeting online will be emailed to members and friends, most likely sometime in late July or early August.

[Basic Info]

84 Main St, Fryeburg, ME 04037 (map)