The Rev. Dr. George F. Dole Celebration Three Mile
Road Race
"The Dole 3 Miler"

This year's Dole 3 Miler was held
Saturday, August 10, 2024.
Registration is closed,
so please don't click the link below.
Register for the 2024 Dole 3 Miler
This race was created in 2014 to celebrate the life and achievements of Fryeburg ME native, lifetime FNCA member and long-time core lecturer, and octagenarian runner, the Rev. Dr. George F. Dole (1931-2021).
Sixty years earlier, on May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister became the first person to run a mile in under four minutes. George Dole also ran in that historic race, placing 5th with a time of 4:25. One of the unique things about the Dole 3 Miler is that, along with all the usual awards, a special George Dole plaque is given to the 5th place runner in honor of George's 5th place finish in the historic 1954 race.
George Dole ran in the Dole 3 Miler the first four years and attended the following two. He passed on to the spiritual world on June 29, 2021, ten days before his 90th birthday and seven weeks before the 2021 race. One of the last things he said was, "I cannot wait to run again."
The Dole 3 Miler is held the final Saturday of camp at 8:00 a.m. on the Mountain Division Rail Trail directly across Rte 302 from the FNCA. The starting line and parking is at the Maine Information Center at the ME/NH state line, with overflow parking on the Assembly grounds.
If you would like to make a financial contribution to the race or set up a fundraiser for it, please visit
Dole 3 Miler Online Donations or
Dole 3 Miler Become a Fundraiser.
For more information, delightful videos of interviews with Rev. Dole, a video of the original 1954 race, and other perks, plus to register for this year's race, please visit the Dole 3 Miler's official website.
The people who work so hard to put on this race are the FNCA's Dole 3 Miler Committee.
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There were 50 in-person and 7 virtual runners in the 10th annual Rev. Dr. George F. Dole Celebration Three Mile Road Race.
Riley Sawyer (20) of Union Springs NY is the 2023 D3M winner with a time of 17:06. v2020 winner, Jeff Lindy (44) of Brookline MA, was in second place at 17:15, beating his v2020 winning time by 8 seconds. And third place was Tyler McKinley (30) of Portland ME at 18:01. The 5th place winner recipient of the George Dole plaque and first woman across the line was Sarah Pribram (55) of Shelburne VT with a time of 19:53.
The first FNCA member to cross the finish line was Nina Sasser (31) of Portland ME in 9th place with a time of 22:38. George Dole's granddaughter, Genevieve Dole (13) of Amherst MA, finished in 17th place at 25:10, improving over her 2022 place (22nd) and time (26:18). George Dole's daughter, Sarah Dole (58) of Colebrook NH, finished 44th with a time of 44:18. And bringing up their traditional Caboose Position were FNCA Camp Director and Assistant Camp Director, Beki Greenwood (42) of Carver MA and Emily Tergliafera (40) of Petersburg NY at 1:04:35.
A great big THANK YOU! to the Dole 3 Miler Committee and all the FNCA and FNC volunteers who helped make the decennial D3M race such a great success!
Full results are here.

Riley Sawyer, the 2023 D3M winner!

Sarah Pribram, first woman over the line and 5th place winner recipient of the George Dole plaque.

Nina Sasser in 9th place, first FNCA member to finish the race.
The 2022 D3M winner is Thomas Orcut (in black below) who crossed the finish line at 16:13, setting a new course record!
72 people ran the race this year, 8 of them virtually. The 1st woman: Sarah Pribram in 3rd place at 19:05. FNCA members in the first 30 finishers: Nina Sasser in 21st place at 25:35; followed by Genevieve Dole in 22nd place at 26:18; Ben Phinney in 27th place at 28:58; Elin Lane-Olsen in 28th place at 29:26; and Brendan Crowe in 29th place at 29:58.
Full results are here.


The winner near the end of the race.

The Phinney Clan once again won the prize for most funds raised.
This year's winner was Sean Cook with a time of 16:18. Second place was Riordan Landeg at 18:28. Third was Jaryd Freedman, 18:41. The 5th place winner and recipient of the George Dole plaque was Erik Martin, 18:52. The first woman across the line was Bethany Clark, 19:40, 7th place. The first FNCA member was Ada McNaughton (age 11). 25:31, 22nd place. The first George Dole descendant to finish was Genevieve Dole (age 11), 27:37, 25th place, nearly 7 minutes better than her time last year!
"Walking to the Race"

Dawn Crowe wearing this year's Dole 3 Miler shirt, her mother, Merrilee Phinney, and her son Brandon Crowe walking together to the starting line.
"Continuing the Legacy"

Although George Dole passed on this year, his legacy is carried on, here by his granddaughter Genevieve, who finished 3rd in the 12 and under category with a time of 27:37.
This year's Dole 3 Miler was held virtually with runners registering, then running their 3 miles at a time and place of their own choosing, and then submitting their results. We filmed two runners --- who ended up taking 1st & 2nd place! --- running the race on the Mountain Division Rail Trail where the race normally takes place, so we only have a couple of live action photos this year.
First place was our 2016 winner, Jeff Lindy, with a time of 17:23. 2nd place was last year's winner, Adam Lane-Olsen, with a time of 18:11. And a very close 3rd place to Erik Martin at 18:14. The coveted 5th place was taken by Emmanual Adideron, clocking in at 18:42. And the fastest woman was Lily Runez at 22:56.
In the 12 and under catagory, the first to cross the finish line was Rev. Dr. George F. Dole's grand-daughter, Genevieve Dole at 34:22, with the Fryeburg New Church's very own Monroe Lane-Olsen coming in second just a few steps behind at 34:33.
And first place in the D3M Fundraising Challenge is the Greenwood family who raised $440. Thank you Jason, Beki, Serena, and Nate!

This year's D3M winner was Adam Lane-Olsen, husband of Rev. Alison Lane-Olsen, pastor of of the Fryeburg New Church, with a winning time of 18:37! Congratulations Adam!
2nd place was Erik Martin at 19:08. Third place and first woman was Trish Hamm at 19:28. Fourth was Manny Adediran at 19:32. Fifth and winner of the George Dole plaque was Bruce Thurston at 19:33. In sixth place was the the first teen, FNCA's own 14-year-old Zed McNoughton at 20:01 cutting 44 seconds of his last year's 7th place finish time! First kid across the finish line was 12-year-old Thomas Ladd in 10th place at 21:53. George Dole grand-daughter, Genevieve Dole, age 9, came in 17th at 25:40. The oldest runner was Jeffrey White, age 74, in 35th place at 34:13. And the youngest runner was Margaret Woofenden, age 6, in 53th place at 57:03.
Full race results are here.
"Trail Closed"

"Singing the National Anthem"

George Dole's daughter Sarah Dole (l.) and daughter-in-law Rev. Sarah Buteux singing the National Anthem at the beginning of the race, with accompaniment by Greg Huang-Dale, Music Director at the Fryeburg New Church in town.

"Special Thanks to the Fryeburg Police Dept."

Every year, the Fryeburg Police Dept is there on the job helping campers safely cross a very busy (and this year, under construction) Rte 302. Here's FPD Chief Josh Potvin and Sgt Heidi Johnson flanking the Rev. Dr. George F. Dole himself and D3M Committee member and awards ceremony MC, Dan Dyer.
This year, John Allard, last year's 2nd place runner, returned and finished in 1st place with a time of 16:36. 2nd place was taken by 2016 winner Jeff Lindy with a time of 16:59. 3rd place and the first female runner was Loren Andrews, 19:20. 4th place, Erik Martin, 19:28. 5th place and Dole plaque winner, Osage Crie, 19:58. 6th place, Manny Adediran, 20:32. 7th place and first FNCAer to cross the finish line: 13-year-old Zed McNaughton with a time of 20:45, shaving nearly half a minute off of last year's 9th place finish!
Complete race results are here.
"1st Place: John Allard"

"3rd Place & 1st Female: Loren Andrews"

"5th Place: Osage Crie"

"1st Over 80: Bob Randall"

"First in His Age Group"

Ken Woofenden
"Largest Family Group"

the Phinney clan
This year, Nathan Buck returned and took first place as he did in 2014 and 2015. His winning time was 16:20. Second place was John Allard at 16:35. Third place was won by our very own Sam Reed at 17:01, the first time an FNCA member has placed in the race. The first kid across the line was 12-year-old Zed McNaughton in 9th place at 21:12.
Complete race results are here.
"1st Place Winner, Nathan Buck,
with his Father and Sister"

"Behind the Scenes in 2017"

"Phinney Clan"

"Very Happy With Her Sturdley"

This year's winner was Jeff Lindy with a time of 16:37. Second place, John Allard. Third, Ray Soya II. The classic 5th place (where George Dole placed in the original 1954 race) was Erik Martin. The first Assembly member to cross the finish line, for the 3rd year in the row, was 11-year-old Zed McNaughton in 9th place with a time of 21:21.
Complete 2016 race results are here.
"This Year's Winner: Jeff Lindy!"

"Nina Sasser and John Allard"

1st in her age group, and 2nd place winner
"George Dole's 6-Year-Old Granddaughter's
Take On the Race"

"Happy Campers "
(and cousins all three!)

"Crossing the Finish Line"

"Amanda's Trio"

Amanda Wirling is Dan & Lee Dyer's exercize trainer. She ran the whole race pushing this double stroller... and still placed 22nd in the race, ahead of 75% of the other runners!
"George Approaching the Finish Line"

George finished in 49th place with a time of 35:50 this year.
A lot more photos are here.
"George in His Designer Running Suit"

We are delighted to announce that TrackSmith sporting apparel company has created "George Dole Editions" of the running suit George wore in the original race in 1954. So now you, too, can wear that sporty outfit: George Dole Edition running shorts with either a George Dole Edition t-shirt or George Dole Edition tank top. Check it out here, along with a nice story of George reminiscing about that historic race and his part in it.
Participants in 2015 increased by 37.5% over last year, with 99 registered runners this year! The 2015 race t-shirt was neon orange, with many participants sporting their tee in the race.

© Bob Perry 2015
© Bob Perry 2015
Defending his title from 2014, Nathan Buck of Portland ME won again this year with a time of 16:29.
Other prizes were won by:
2nd Place, Men - Rob Riley ................. 17:42
3rd Place, Men - Quentin Olive-Larson .. 17:51
1st Place, Women - Taylor Bickford ...... 17:53 4th overall
2nd Place, Women - Jodi Theriault ....... 18:00
3rd Place, Women - Terry Ballou .......... 19:17
Full results are here.
The first person from the Assembly to cross the finish line was, once again, Zed McNaughton(10) at 16th place with a time of 21:36. Next FNCAer was his mother, Marina Wood-McNaughton in 26th place at 24:55. And third was sister of the winner, Nina Sasser, in 30th place at 26:11.
"Crossing Guards"

Overflow parking is at the Assembly across the street from the Maine Information Center where the race starts and ends. This year Kurt Fekete and Nina Sasser (along with the local police) helped people cross Route 302 safely.
"Stretching Before the Race"

Finishing first in his age group, as he did last year in the inaugural race, Rev. Dr. Dole crossed the finish line in 56th place with a time of 32:51.
Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone who participated in the 2nd Annual Dole 3 Miler!
© Ben Phinney 2014In it's inaugural year, this new road race drew 72 participants, ages 1-87. A great big THANK YOU to
© Beki Greenwood 2014 race director Jon Crowe --------> and his great crew of volunteers who planned, managed, and carried out a terrific event that was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone involved.
All participants received a neon yellow race shirt and a hand-made wooden Dole 3 Miler medallion made by Adam Lane-Olsen and Dan Dyer.
© Jon Cousins 2014On the evening before the race, a substantial crowd gathered at the Assembly for a talk by Rev. Dole about the 1954 race, how he was selected to be one of the runners, and his role in the race itself. Attendees included FNCA members, local residents, and a large number of runners from the surrounding area. The photo below doesn't show all the 2 dozen or so people who were standing in the rear behind the camera.

First place winner, Nathan Buck(24) of Portland ME, [pictured below nearing the finish line] with a time of 16:15, received a framed photo of the 1954 Roger Bannister race.

Other prizes went to:
Second Place, Men - John Allard ................ 17:15
Third Place, Men - Brendan Sullivan ........... 19:72
First Place, Women - Veronica Haskell ........ 19:49
(who finished 4th overall)
Second Place, Women - Hilary DeCrisantis ... 21:53
Third Place, Women - Irina Norkin .............. 22:11
© Jon Cousins 2014Fifth place finisher, Brian Ladd also received a framed photo since George Dole finished 5th in the original 1954 race.
Awards were also given to the first three male and female runners in each of nine age groups. Full results of the race as well as the awards in each category are available on the Cool Runnings site here.
Rev. Dole, who was wearing the same pair of running shorts that he wore in the 1954 race, finished first in his age group at 37th place with a time of 30:06. "Better than I thought I'd do," he said in the post-race interview. Here's George crossing the finish line:
© Jon Cousins 201445% of the participants in the race were FNCA attendees. The first person from the Assembly to cross the finish line was 9-year-old Zed McNaughton (10 seconds ahead of his dad), in 8th place with an amazing time of 21:12. AWESOME, Zed!
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Beki Greenwood 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Beki Greenwood 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Beki Greenwood 2014
© Jon Cousins 2014
© Beki Greenwood 2014
© Beki Greenwood 2014
© Beki Greenwood 2014
And here's to all the FNCA runners and volunteers who helped make this inaugural Dole 3 Miler fundraiser the stunning success that it was! Here they are:

And finally, here's Rev. Dole congratulating Nathan Buck on winning the first annual Rev. Dr. George F. Dole Celebration Three Mile Road Race!