Looking back on
FNCA 2013
by Trevor
Polling a wide variety of campers, including old and young, new and seasoned, near and far, there is both a wide agreement as well as a huge disparity about what were © Beki Greenwood 2013the best parts of camp in 2013. For returning campers, reconnecting with family and friends is always high on the list. Then there are the old standards of enjoying the lectures and lively discussions afterwards, good singing, watching Sparks Games after supper, quiet talks with friends, reading a book on the porch, swimming, canoeing, Outing Day, and what one camper called getting "a real spiritual shot in the arm."
© Beki Greenwood 2013On the other hand, one regular said that last year's <----photo Old Lady Canoe Trip was one of the best ever and that the Rev. Alison Longstaff is a
© Anna Rich 2009terrific new addition to the Assembly. Another said, "I'm immensely grateful not to have missed my last chance to be with Jim Perry photo----> (until we meet again quite elsewhere)." [Jim's obituary]
One lecturer had particular appreciation for the discussion circles after second lecture because it was "inspiring to discover how much was going on in the minds of the listeners during lectures." Another really appreciates the fact that the discussion group and afternoon and evening activities are all optional.
© Beki Greenwood 2010An early riser enjoys "hearing the peal of the rising bell while enjoying the view across the river to Mount Kearsarge; feeling the warmth of the fire in the fireplace while the Polar Bears are filing out the front door to go for their morning swim!" And from a night owl: "Although I really love the people the best, I also thoroughly enjoy the quiet solitude of camp after most people have gone to bed."
Besides the usual variety of afternoon and evening activities, we also had several special activities, including a memorial service for Louise "Mom Woof" Woofenden; a late Monday night vespers service led by <----photo Chaplain Roslyn Taylor;
© Jon Cousins 201 two movie screenings including an old FNCA video from the 1970's; a slide show of old camp photos with the elders that were present identifying people in the photos; Emily Woofenden and Dawn Crowe's Sparks classes' Johnny
© Emily Woofenden 2013Appleseed skit and the Promise Net photo above; a presentation about the Kempton Translation by Rev. Hugh Odhner; a talk by Harry Martinian on "Inner Peace and Wellness, and a baptism --- WELCOME to the world,
<----photo Maggie Woofenden!
2013 All-Camp Group Photo