Looking back on
FNCA 2012
by Trevor
The 2012 FNCA session was, of course, another great two weeks of camp with the usual excellent lecture program, the usual excellent camaraderie among campers including lots of intergenerational interaction, lots of great meals full of lively conversation, the river, the beach, walks in the woods, and sitting on the porch with a good friend or a good book.
© Amy Blackman 2008First week campers attended a very delightful event: "Remembrance of Lalla" a visual, aural, group celebration of lifelong FNCA member Cecilia "Lalla" Searle who recently passed way too early into the spiritual world. She is sorely missed by all who love her.
In her honor, camp director Jason Greenwood announced a new annual event:© Jon Cousins 2013 The LALLA Searle Memorial Scrabble Tournament. And the winner, who scored a "bingo" (using all 7 tiles for a 50 point bonus) on both her opening turn and her closing turn, was the Rev. Susannah Currie!
© Trevor 2012Middle weekend, campers were treated to two very special events. Saturday, Emily Woofenden and Dawn Crow's Sparks religion classes put on a shadow puppet show about The Pathways to the Spiritual World. Each child not only created and decorated their own character puppet but also worked their own puppet in the show.

© Amy Blackman 2012Many second week campers participated in three popular repeat evening activities from last year: Jason Woofenden's Origami paper folding class, Trevor's "String Figures and How to Make Them" class, and Kristina Madjerac's Monster Bookmarks class.
There certainly are many more wonderful 2012 FNCA memories worth writing about, but these we will each be saving in our own hearts. We hope you will join our FNCA camp family next year and help us to create more wonderful times to enjoy and reflect on.
2012 All-Camp Group Photo