Alice F. Vigerstad Memorial
Old Lady Canoe Trip
"How the
Alice F. Vigerstad Memorial
Old Lady Canoe Trip Began"
by Trevor
former longtime
FNCA Waterfront Director
Alice Frost Vigerstad (1907-1991) was unsteady on the dock to the point of scary, and raised my lifeguarding hackles like nobody else. And although some folks couldn't handle her over-the-topness, she doted on me since earliest infancy and I have always loved her deeply and remember her fondly.
One day in 1990 while I was lifeguarding, Alice complained that she hadn't been on a boat ride since childhood and said (and I quote), "Is there any way you could take us old ladies on a little canoe trip? We'll be good." The following afternoon we had four canoes full of old ladies and their escorts down at the river, putting on life jackets, gingerly climbing into the canoes, and just being thrilled as the dickens!
By sheer dawdling, we managed to stretch the usual 15 minute paddle downstream to the town beach into a 45 minute trip. When we got there, a crew met us with lawn chairs, wine and cheese, and crackers. And there we sat for another 45 minutes enjoying the beach scene until the van showed up for the five minute drive back to camp. It was the talk of the town among the Embers for days, and according to Alice, the highlight of her vacation.
The next year, with an eager flush on her face, she asked if I would "take us old ladies down the river again." So another group of old ladies at camp went on "a little canoe trip" again in 1991.
And although Alice passed on before the 1992 camp session, what she started has become a well-loved FNCA tradition. We don't do it every year (and we don't have photos from several trips), but most years will find several cheerful old ladies happily being paddled downstream by their doting attendees.
And that's the story of how the Alice F. Vigerstad Memorial Old Lady Canoe Trip began.
NEW photos on this page in recent months:
Title or Theme Year Posted
3 pics 1995 12/8
Grace Hotson Shields 1995 11/18
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2001 2002 2005
1995 1997 1998

left to right: Denise Duryat, Herb Ziegler, Paulina Mirenkova, Alia Woofenden with her daughter Margaret, Debbie Little, Gard Perry, Alison Longstaff, Trevor, Nancy Little.

left to right: Richard Cook, Debbie Cook, Lois McCurdy, Trevor, Herb Ziegler, Art Church.

© Beki Greenwood 2013
© Beki Greenwood 2013
© Beki Greenwood 2013
© Beki Greenwood 2013

left to right: Maggie and Alia Woofenden, Debbie Cook, Jim Perry, Steve and Robin Larsen, Trevor, Debbie Little, Pat Perry.

left to right: Amy Blackman, Jane Perry, Pat Perry, Merrilee Phinney, ??, Trevor, Nancy Little, Susannah Currie, Jim Perry, Debbie Cook.


Left to right: Seated: Barbara Perry, Rosemary Lawson, Sam Webb, Lois Dole, Betty Lowe. Standing: Jim Perry, Phyllis Webb, Dale Webb, Trevor & Nancy Little, Jim Lowe.
© Nancy F. Little 2002
© Nancy F. Little 2002
© Nancy F. Little 2002
© Nancy F. Little 2002
© Nancy F. Little 20022002 participants: Jean & Gib Warren, Denise Duryat, Louise Woofenden, with helmsmen Dan Sullivan and Trevor.
© Nancy F. Little 2001
© Nancy F. Little 2001Left to right: ??, Trish MacDonald, Louise Dole Woofenden, Dan Sullivan, Anne Perry.
© John Swanton 1998
© Nancy F. Little 1998
© Nancy F. Little 1998
© Nancy F. Little 1998
© Nancy F. Little 1998
Left to right: Lois Dole, Adrienne Frank, Agnes O'Keefe, John Swanton, Trevor (standing), Louise Dole Woofenden.

©FNCA 1997
in back: Holly Pedicone (sitting), Jennifer Pedicone, Alex Pedicone, ? Pedicone (in front of Alex), Trevor, Lee Woofenden.
in front: Bea Geis with Caleb Woofenden in her lap Adrienne Frank, Patty Woofenden with Chris Woofenden in her lap.

Grace Hotson Shields is in the front. Behind her is one of the Geis sisters and her daughter and husband.

Portaging at Swans Falls.