Looking back on
FNCA 1992
by Trevor
Here we are looking back at the "Best of FNCA 1992". After getting input from many different attendees, I've compiled a rather hefty bunch of favorites. In no particular order, let's cruise through the highlights of last year's camp session.
First on the list is the fine tradition of porch sitting. Several people mentioned specific porch activities: talking with friends, watching the children play after supper, enjoying the fresh air, watching the rain from a dry place, and simply taking in the view.

Speaking of children, I've heard quite a few comments on how great the Sparks were. A terrific bunch of cooperative, cheerful, helpful, funny, serious, and just plain good kids — LOUD good kids at times — but that's part of their job description, isn't it?
Several special events were thoroughly enjoyed by many, including: Don Foster's delightful slide shows of his trip to Mexico and of the Assembly back in the Good Ol' Days of his youth; Joshua Grams' wonderful piano playing for chapel one Sunday evening that kept our rapt attention for a delightfully long intro before worship; and Anne Perry finding a chanterelle mushroom right in front of the porch!

The Sales Table made the highlights list in two categories. First, Jason Woofenden's amazing miniature origami foil crane earrings (which sold briskly). And second, the annual Sales Table Auction, an event looked forward to by many, not necessarily just for the great bargains (FNCA president Rev. Gard Perry got a pair of fruit compote earrings for a ridiculously low sum!), but also for the sheer pleasure of it... what an exciting, fun event! Thanks to Dorothy Travers-Davies for all her wonderful work as the head of the Sales Table.
Special mention was made of the many stimulating, informal, post-lecture discussions had by many appreciative, thought-provoked people. Where else can you get this?
Several outings were enjoyed on Outing Day each week. Stand outs include: the Jones Museum of Ceramics and Glass in Sebago ME, housing one of the most complete selections of ceramics and glass in the world; Douglas Mountain Nature Conservancy Reserve, which has a stone tower from which you can see the White Mountains, Portland, and the ocean; plus the more traditional visit to the fine sands and cool waters of White Lake; and quite a few trips of various lengths on the Saco River.

Another tradition enjoyed by many was the annual Flames vs. Adults volleyball game. What fun to see all these different ages playing together!
We were also repeatedly treated to the sudden intense popularity of a fine piece of literature: Sandra Boynton's picture book But Not the Hippopotamus. It was read aloud from the dining hall lounge area often by a surprisingly wide range of people, ranging from age 6 all the way up to someone who wouldn't admit to being older than 70. Not to mention the Flames' dramatic presentation of the tale during mealtime one day! Get your copy of this important book today!
And Honorable Mentions go to: the Polar Bear Club, the annual Spark & Flame Hunt, food, people, waterfront, classes, and the accomodations.
So, overall, just about everybody had a terrific vacation at the FNCA just about all the time. See you in '93 for more good times. These are the good ol' days!