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Fryeburg ME - 3/9/20
The FNCA Centennial Celebration Logo!
The FNCA Centennial Celebration Committee is proud to present the official FNCA Centennial Celebration logo:

In 1921, Our Founders, a small but dedicated group of clergy and laypeople, put in a lot of time, energy, and money into the very first session of the Fryeburg New Church Assembly. They certainly hoped the organization would last, so it is a big thrill to announce the FNCA Centennial Celebration: two full weeks of events celebrating the Assembly's first 100 years, to be held during the annual camp session July 31-August 15, 2021.
About This Logo:
Using an historic 1948 photo of the original Main Building, FNCA graphic designer Beki Greenwood created this delightful logo. The original Main Building was built in two parts: the Kitchen in 1929 (you can see the windows of it beyond the far right porch post in the logo), and the "Assembly Room" in 1930 (which is now the Dining Hall).
We will be using this logo on all promotions for the event. You can look for it on totebags, t-shirts, magnets, postcards, etc., and perhaps even a large banner.
The FNCA Centennial Celebration Committee
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