After Church
Every Sunday morning during camp, we join with the congregation at the Fryeburg New Church in town for worship. After church, it has long been the tradition there to socialize on the front lawn... and to take pictures.
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late 1940s
Guest preacher at the Fryeburg New Church the first Sunday of camp and this year's Rev. Everett K. Bray Visiting Lecturer at the FNCA: The Rev. Dr. Jim Lawrence, former dean of our theological school and current president of our denomination. That's Herb Zeigler coming out the door.
The Perry Clan: Amy Perry Blackman, Bob Perry, Jane Perry, Ruby Blackman, Jim Perry.
(And that's Chris Woofenden watching from the steps.)
Perrys and Woofendens: Amy Perry Blackman, Ian Woofenden, Jane Perry, Louise Woofenden, Jim Perry
Nancy Little, Trevor, Myrrh and Jason Woofenden
On the steps (l to r): Nancy Perry, Rev. Dr. George F. Dole, and ? ?.
"Martha and Marianne are All Smiles!"
Martha Richardson and Dr. Marianne Jackson.
"Pauline Lawrence on a Windy Sunday"
That's Dr. Rueben Bell behind her on the church steps.
Nancy Perry and Martha Richardson
Rev. Edwin Capon, Fred Perry, Esther Capon, Dr. Reuben Bell, Renee Chaplin.
Joe & Alice Vigerstad, Adrienne Frank, Arthur James, Doris Shaw.
Nancy Perry, Fred Perry, Rev. David Rienstra, Ola Mae Wheaton, Marilyn Turley.
"Zack, Bruce, Wendy"
Zack Judson, Bruce Dole, and Wendy Little through the railing, with Rev. Dave Rienstra, Ed Schnurr, and Virginia Branston in the background.
r to l: Ed Schnurr, Frank Curtis, Todd Woofenden, ??(with headband), Trevor, Marion Gale, ??, Lynn Zimmerman, Louise Woofenden (back to camera), Lee Woofenden, Martha Richardson, Nancy Perry, Laura Woofenden, ??, ?? (in distance), Cindy Leese, Bob Leese (back to camera, walking away), ??s (5 members of the Fryeburg New Church), Pauline Lawrence (at far left with cane).
r to l: Ed Schnurr, Jane Curtis, Ian Woofenden, ?? & ?? (sitting on stoop) Nancy Perry, lots of ??, Kevin Antonucci and Doug White (standing next to car), lots more ??.
(l. to r.) in back: Sarah Shepard, Chuck Leese, Lee Woofenden, perhaps Marion Gale with the braid.
in front: Lynn Zimmerman, Trevor, ??, Burt Chaplin, Jim Perry (back to camera), Bill Woofenden, Laura Woofenden
That's Mr. & Mrs. Marshall in the center facing the camera.
Pauline Lawrence and Louise Dole Woofenden
"Woof Line-up"
Woofendens in age order from right to left: Bill "Pop Woof", Louise "Mom Woof", Ross, Jane, Laura, Trevor, Ian, Lee, Ellen, Todd. There's something going on with the shoes there at the left end.
Fred & Nancy Perry
background: Pauline Laurence, Rev. Bill Woofenden (tan jacket), and ??
"A Sunny Sunday"
People in this photo, from lower left to upper right, include: (3 children:) Sarah Dole, Andrew Dole, Brent McCurdy(?), (behind them:) ??, Roberts Lawrence(?), Pauline Lawrence (behind Andrew), Lois Dole (flowered dress), (lower stairs:) Doug White?, ??, (top of stairs:) Tina Guiu Wood, Ruby Heath, Adrienne Frank, Iva Hatch, (in front of them:) ??, Mable Larsen (in hat), Pat Perry (print dress), Rev. George McCurdy, Jane Perry, Ray Guiu (top of stairs), Trish MacDonald(?).
from front to back, left to right: Malcolm Gale, Janet Charles, Joan Archer, Jane Perry (in sunglasses), John Kozar, Sue Archer, Lee Woofenden, ??, ?? (toddler), Harold Larsen, Mabel Larsen.
"The Perry Clan"
left to right: Laurence Atwood, Pat Perry, Bob Perry, Amy Perry, Jim Perry, Jane Perry, Stewart Perry, and Alice Perry.
"Confirmation Service"
front row: Brenda Thomas, Randall White
middle row: Rev. Harold Larsen, Gardiner Perry, Gus Abato, Torgny Vigerstad
back row: Rev. George McCurdy, Rev. George Dole
Anita S. Dole and her daughter Louise Dole Woofenden. They are standing in the same place in the upper photo, too.
"Dave Keating and his mother Martha Keating"
"Woof Family Sunday Best 1961"
l to r: Ross, Ian, Louise, Jane, Lee (in arms), Trevor, Bill, Laura
Note: Although this picture was taken before church at the Assembly (as opposed to in front of the Church after), it still sort of belongs in this category.
(or maybe 1958)
Waiting for a Ride to Church"
l to r: Steve Perry, Doug White, Gerrit White (in foreground), Lillie "Swish" White, Randy White
Note: Although this picture was taken before Church at the Assembly (as opposed to in front of the Church after), it still sort of belongs in this category.
late 1940s