[FNCA History]
[Opening Weekend Program]
Opening Weekend Program
Topics and Presenters

The Opening Weekend Program was devised by the Summer Session Committee in 2010 with the specific intent of increasing attendance at camp the opening weekend — a time when attendance has traditionally been low. And since its outset, it has not only achieved that goal, but has also enriched the minds, hearts, and lives of the participants.
Here's a complete list of the previous Opening Weekend Program topics and presenters:
2024: "A Kaleidoscope of Spiritual Practices"
presenters: Rev. Susannah Currie, Carol LeBaron,
Rev. Catherine Lauber
2023: "How We Live Our Faith"
presenters: Rev. Susannah Currie and Rev. E.
Kent Rogers
2022: "Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other Better"
presenters: TREVOR "The Games Man", Rev.
Susannah Currie, Carol LeBaron
2021: "Reconnecting with Camp"
presenters: Rev. Susannah Currie, Tina Wood,
Leone Dyer, Carol LeBaron, Rev E. Kent Rogers
v2020: [No OWP]
2019: "The Spiritual Legacy of Helen Keller"
presenter: Rev. Sage Cole
2018: "Conflict Resolution Skills Learned from
Psychologists and Angels"
presenter: Dr. Soni Werner
2017: "The Correspondences of Yoga OR Yoga and
presenter: Rev. Alison Longstaff Moore
2016: "Ego and Its Purpose In Our Spiritual Lives"
presenter: Rev. Susannah Currie
2015: "The New Church Descending"
presenter: Rev. Alison Longstaff
2014: "Spiritual Practices that Open Us to Divine Influx"
presenter: Rev. Jane Siebert
2013: "Logopraxis Workshop"
presenter: Chaplain Roslyn Taylor
2012: "Spiritually Integrated Self-Care for Those Who
Care For and About Others"
presenter: Rev. Dr. Gardiner Perry
2011: "Spiritual Tools to Explore Scripture: Pre-exile
Jeremiah (chapters 1-31)"
presenter: Rev. Susannah Currie
2010: "Discovering Elijah"
presenter: Anna Woofenden