Youth Sponsor Program
© Nancy F. Little 2009 Our Youth Sponsor Program allows children and teens to attend camp without a parent present by having an adult sponsor attend camp with the youth who agrees to act in loco parentis. Children 12 and under will be housed with the sponsor; teens will be in the dorms.
Parents may arrange for a sponsor of their choice, or contact our camp Registrar, Beki Greenwood, before camp and a sponsor will be assigned for them: <>.
[Note: If you are willing to act as a sponsor during camp, please note that on your registration form.]
Before arrival at camp, parents with a child in the Youth Sponsor Program must do the following for each child attending camp:
1. Fill in the online Registration Form,
2. Fill in the online Minor Medical Information Form,
3. If needed, fill in the online Dietary Needs Form,
4. Print out, fill in, and sign the Minor Release Form and send the original, signed document (no scans, no copies, no attached documents, no faxes... it has to be the original, signed copy) with their child to camp.