The Sales Table
The FNCA Sales Table is located at the front of the Dining Hall in the Main Building. It contains a wide variety of items to raise money to support camp. Those who donate items decide what percentage of the sale price they wish to donate. Used items are often given in full, but artists, crafters, and others who produce a professional product (real Vermont maple syrup, anyone?) usually share the proceeds with the Assembly.
Things that go well include hand-made crafts, popular fiction, children's items, healthy snacks, various home goods, and unusual items of interest. Second-hand items are welcome as long as they are in good condition; used clothing, however, does not sell well.
Over the past few years, the Sales Table has consistently netted around $1,000 or more for the Assembly, so we're not talking small potatoes here! With that in mind, please consider what items you have that might sell well, and bring them along with you to camp this year.
© Beki Greenwood 2008
© Nancy F. Little 2009 The annual Sales Table Auction is one of our most entertaining and popular events. The whole camp gathers in the Dining Hall towards the end of camp, and "skilled auctioneers" ply their trade selling off what's left on the Sales Table plus some never-seen-before items brought especially for the Auction.
There's loads of laughter, mother bidding against daughter, farmer against clergy, and even some folks outbidding themselves! Suprisingly, Sales Table items at the Auction often sell for significantly higher than they were originally marked! It's all for a great cause, though: the good old FNCA.
© Trevor 2012In recent years, primarily due to various specialty items donated specifically for the Auction, this event has become a major fundraiser for the Assembly. New England Patriots tickets, restaurant gift certificates, re-caned and restored FNCA chairs rescued from the dumpster, original oil paintings by accomplished New Church artists, and old plumbing fixtures (really!) have all seen brisk bidding... and 2012 saw the return of the infamous Carmen Miranda Fruit Compote Earrings which alone have raised over $1,000 for the Assembly over the past few decades as a recurring item at the Sales Table Auction! A great big THANK YOU to those who were generous enough to donate these items in the past. We strongly encourage more campers to consider helping out camp with this type of donation this year.