Looking back on
FNCA 2000
by Trevor
One of the fun parts about writing this column every year is that I get to ask lots of people about their favorite part of camp. This year, the responses all seemed to fall neatly into one of three categories: people, activities, and things.
© FNCA 1930In the People category, the most frequently mentioned item was the always popular return of people who haven't attended for a while. There is a consistent core of people who go every year no matter what, there are sporadic attendees who show up every other year or every few years or so, and then there are those who appeared long ago and then took years before coming back. Like the Prodigal Son or the lost sheep that was found, these latter folks seem to gain more attention in people's minds. Particularly mentioned in this category were Debbie and Audrey Little (mother and daughter) and Ian & Frea Woofenden and all seven of their kids (some of whom were there for the first time ever).
Other people in the news include Holly & Alex Pedicone and family (who attend regularly but someone who hadn't been there for a while thought it was great that they were there!), the Gilman twins: Meredith and Guinevere (a constant source of entertainment), the good-sized tent site group, and our terrific assistant cook Cindy Bouffard who is retiring after a decade or so of helping provide us with terrific food. YAY Cindy!
In the Activities category, so many fun events were listed that there's not room for all of them here. In fact, several campers noted that there seemed to always be something going on — morning, afternoon, and night — to attend if you wanted to.
Activities mentioned most include:
• Mother and daughter team Virginia Branston and Joan Dyer's workshops enjoyed by both young and old.
• Laura Grams's Psanky/Ukranian egg workshop.
• Richard & Debbie Cook's slide presentation on Richard's religious art.
• The pre-camp Work Day.
• The Flames hike up Sabbaday Mountain.
• The Sparks trip up Jockey Cap ("Sparks Rule!").

• Mom & Pop Woof's 50th anniversary celebration!
And in the Things category, the river (as always) got top billing. Our beautiful river and beach get heavily used between the rising bell and dusk, and are thoroughly enjoyed by all who take the walk down the hill to the waterfront or to the viewing area at the edge of the front lawn.
Other things include:
© Nancy F. Little 1998 • Having fresh flowers on the tables.
• Our old road sign being hung up in the dining hall.
• This year's Sales Table craze.
• Mom Woof's stuffed Polar Bears.
• Laughter and singing from the Flames table during our meals.
• The Little Mack Cabin "redecoration".
• Ian & Frea Woofenden's Greyhound bus camper (chip off the old block and a'that and a'that).
And although it's not technically part of camp, it's worth © Beki Greenwood 2013mentioning that in honor of Mom & Pop's 50th, the Woofenden clan stayed over a few days after camp for a big family reunion attended at some point by every single one of their eight kids and their respective significant others, 24 grandchildren and (where applicable) their significant others, and 1 great-grandkid!
Two reunion incidents of note: one serious and one silly. My family presented one of our sister Laura's handmade quilts to our parents as an anniversary gift. It is a lovely quilted white on the top side, and a light yellow on the reverse with two rows of squares made by their offspring that are revealed when they turn the quilt down off their pillows. And the silly incident was the walk-in fridge stuffing event by Frea and five(5!) of her grinning offspring. We have photgraphic evidence.
So there you have it: FNCA 2000 and beyond. And we strongly encourage you to register for camp next year because a good time is always had by all.
["Reflections" 1999] ["Reflections" 2003]
NOTE: "Reflections" 2001 & 2002 are unavailable.