This page is a work in progress. It is by no means anywhere near complete.
Past Major Financial Donors
The FNCA has been blessed with many major donations over the past century that have, of course, been a huge help.
NOTE: Please see the Cabin Donors page for information about the people who financed the various cabins.
NEW items on this page in recent months:
Donor or item Year Posted
Asa E. Goddard 1929 12/19
Mary L. Gordon 1930 12/19
John L. Osgood 1930 12/19
Lewis H. Kunhardt 1931 12/19
Orange New Church 1986 12/22
photo of the tennis court 1931 12/22
anonymous 2018 12/22
Mr. Asa E. Goddard of Cambridge MA:
$1500 loan to build the Kitchen
Miss Mary L. Gordon of Fryeburg ME:
$2000 for the Dining Hall
Mr. John L. Osgood:
donated materials and built the chimney and
fireplaces in the Main Building
Mr. Lewis H. Kunhardt of Boston MA:
$600 for the driveway and tennis court

The Orange New Church
$20,000 gift on their disbandment
$2,000 to establish the Lalla's Memorial Garden Fund